Welcome to Woodham Road Medical

We have a limited number of new patient enrolments available each week – Enrol Now


Our opening hours are:

Phone Lines:                   8:00am – 5:00pm  Monday to Friday

Nurse Appointment:      8:30am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday

Doctor Appointments:   8.30am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday

Continuity of care is really important to us.  We  encourage you to book routine or predictable appointments 2-3 days in advance so that you can see your usual doctor.  For any urgent or acute appointments we will try to book you with your usual doctor wherever possible.

Urgent /Afterhours Care

IF you call us outside of our normal  hours (Monday to Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm) you will hear our after hours message. This will give you options for afterhours care. If you feel you need urgent medical attention, go directly to the 24 Hour Surgery or the Emergency Department.

The 24 Hour Surgery is located at 401 Madras Street Ph (03) 365 7777. It is free for children under the age of 14 years to attend the 24 Hour Surgery outside of our normal opening hours or at anytime if they have had an accident (ACC)

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